New web domain

I happened to visit this blog as a visitor from a computer not mine. Seeing it that way made me realize how obnoxious the ads had become. So WordPress’s extortion worked; I’ve agreed to send them a few $ every month to get rid of the ads. With it comes a new domain name: Bookmarks to the previous website ( should redirect here. Let me know if a problem arises, or the barrage of ads fails to let up. I may restructure the web page so there is more here than just this blog, but that will have to await my attention in my copious spare time.

As it happens, I depart soon to attend an IAU meeting on galaxy dynamics. This is being held in part to honor the career of Prof. Jerry Sellwood, with whom I had the pleasure to work while a postdoc at Rutgers. He hosted a similar meeting at Rutgers in 1998; I’m sure that some of the same issues discussed then will be debated again next week.

15 thoughts on “New web domain

  1. For whatever it may be worth, I’ve been using AdBlocker Ultimate on Firefox while viewing your site for the last few years, and I never realized that you even HAD ads here.


  2. OK, I do not see any adds now, however the number I saw before seemed small, compared to other sites I frequent.
    Even if the IAU meeting just rehashes the same old disputes, I hope that the discussions are at least cordial.
    I imagine this endless repetition is frustrating for you, I know it would be for me. If it helps, know that even such repetition is not a complete waste of time, though it may seems so at the time.


  3. It is frustrating to have the same arguments with the same people, but I understand that some of us are post-learning enabled. What is more frustrating is that I often seem to wind up explaining old results to new people. It makes sense that this needs to happen, but the starting baseline knowledge seems rather low, and is going in the wrong direction among young professionals. BBN is a good example.


    1. Hi, I’ve been working on new hypotheses and am embarking now on building support for those hypothesis with strong evidence and reasoning. I understand scientists are loathe to dialogue with outsiders for fear of getting sucked into pseudoscience. However, you might want to check out my blog. Here’s a quick preview of the narrtive hypotheses: The CMB is really the spectrum of a superfluid of low energy photons and possibly low energy neutrinos. That superfluid implements space time. Supermassive black holes consume standard matter-energy, including the superfluid, and, under sufficient conditions, compact it down to Planck particles in the core. Planck particles are maxed out, and therefore present no mass nor participate in gravity (A Planck particle core is the singularity in general relativity). This disappearance of mass is one cause of galaxy rotation curves. Then under certain other conditions, the Planck core can breach, usually via jets of Planck plasma. Thereupon ensues galaxy-local inflation and galaxy neighborhood expansion. The knots and terminus of the jets may give birth to child galaxies (per Arp). The galaxy local inflation also causes inflationary redshift that would change our views of SMBH location and resolve Arp and others anomalous redshift observations. That’s just a preview. Anyway, as I said, I hope to put a solid foundation of support under this set of hypotheses, and would love to have collaborators. There is a LOT of work to do. Best, J Mark Morris.


  4. Any chance of uploading videos of the IAU discussions/debates to YouTube?
    Hope there will be open minds & good communications.


  5. I stumbled onto this site from Woit’s Not Even Wrong blog.
    Nice site you have created. The content is great and I really like the images from movies and/or series.


  6. Hi Dr. McGaugh,
    I was wondering in what ways do you think the statement, “The big bang happened everywhere” is necessary and meaningful?

    Everywhere would include the present location of the observer, though I’m wondering what specific reasons or assumptions (i.e. that the universe is homogeneous on large scales, et.) prevents stating that the big bang ocurred uniquely at the observer at the beginning of time.


  7. A common misconception is that the big bang means the universe exploded from a point. The universe is not an explosion; it is an expansion forward in time. It is everywhere; every point in space was merely closer together in the past. It appears that space is infinite, and always has been (since the big bang; “before” that is ill-defined as this marks the beginning of time). Space was simply a more compact infinity in the past, not a point.


    1. I guess I was just looking at it from the standpoint that each observer could trace back a finite universe, yet we can assume there are an ininite number of observers. The difference, if any, would be how space is treated for each observation. If an observer sees the CMB, no matter which direction they look, why aren’t they the spatial source of their own observation?


  8. Light travel time. We see CMB photons from every direction in the sky that departed the surface of last scattering 13 or so billion years ago. This marks the practical limit of our cosmic horizon.


  9. So many ways to look at it that it can drive you nuts. I suspect that we create the light travel time, however for the photon there is no such information carried.


  10. I would be happy with just links to your latest papers and/or other papers you feel are important.
    Of course if you can do a whole article that would be even better.


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